Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.


Showing posts with label car crash injury lawyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label car crash injury lawyer. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2022

5 Reasons You Need a DUI Lawyer

DUI defense attorney

If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. DUI charges have serious consequences that can have an impact on myriad aspects of your life. Finding a good DUI defense attorney is critical to protecting your rights and working toward a fair outcome for your case.

1. A lawyer provides the counsel you need after an arrest.

After a DUI arrest, the police will want to question you. Before speaking to any police or prosecutors, call an attorney. Criminal defense lawyers give valuable advice on what to say and whether to answer certain questions, both of which can make a world of difference in the result of your DUI case.

2. A DUI conviction can jeopardize your freedom, reputation, and financial security.

Even first-time DUI convictions can carry stiff penalties such as hefty fines, jail time, and suspension of your driver’s license. In some cases, being convicted of a DUI can have an impact on the professional licenses you hold as well.

3. An attorney may help you get charges reduced or dismissed.

Your lawyer will assess the facts surrounding your case and determine whether procedural errors by the police, problems with evidence, or inaccurate breathalyzer, blood tests, or field sobriety tests may be avenues to get charges reduced or dismissed. If you’re facing additional charges involving illegal possession, it’s important to make sure that you hire an experienced drug crime lawyer to handle your case.

4. You may be eligible for an ARD program.

Some first-time offenders may be eligible to participate in an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program. After successfully completing the program, you may petition the court to have the charges dismissed and your case expunged. However, it’s important to keep in mind that ARD is not always the answer – if the prosecutor’s case is flimsy, you may be better-off taking your chances at trial. Your attorney can advise you of what he/she thinks is the best course of action and assist you with applying for ARD if it is available to, and best for, you.

5. A lawyer helps you understand your options.

DUI laws are complex, and navigating the court system can be daunting. It may be tempting to plead guilty right away just to be done with your DUI case. However, it’s important to fully explore your options so you can make educated decisions. Having an attorney negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf can help lessen the impact that a DUI may have on your life. If your case goes to trial, a defense attorney can help you prepare and develop a strategy to achieve a verdict in your favor.

It’s important to act fast to protect your rights if you're charged with a DUI. Contact a DUI attorney online or call (610) 444-0933 to schedule a free consultation. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident involving a drunk driver, a car crash injury lawyer can help you understand your rights and hold responsible parties accountable.

This blog was originally posted on

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

How a DUI Can Affect Your Professional License

criminal defense lawyers

Earning a professional license takes years of hard work, dedication, and costly education. Whether you work in health care, public service, transportation, or another occupation, your professional license could be in jeopardy if you are convicted of a DUI. Experienced criminal defense lawyers understand that your livelihood may be on the line, so it is critical to find one right away if you have been charged with a DUI. They can provide an aggressive defense that may help you get charges reduced or dismissed, which in turn can eliminate or lessen the impact that a DUI can have on your career and reputation. 

Professions that Can Be Impacted By a DUI Conviction 

Commercial Vehicle Drivers

If you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL), you can be charged with a DUI if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .04% or higher. The penalties for CDL drivers are stiff – depending on the circumstances, you could lose both your CDL and personal driver’s license for years. If it is your second DUI offense, you may lose your CDL permanently.  If you are involved in an accident while under the influence, a car crash injury lawyer can use this information against you in any claims or lawsuits that may arise. 

Typically, a physician who is convicted of a DUI must appear in front of his/her state’s medical licensing board. In Pennsylvania, if you are charged with or convicted of a DUI, you have 30 days to notify the Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine. If you fail to report a DUI conviction or the board determines that you are unfit to practice medicine, you can lose your license. Your medical malpractice insurance may also increase.

When dentists apply for or renew their dental license, they must report any DUI convictions. The PA State Board of Dentistry reviews each case and determines consequences on a case-by-case basis. 

In Pennsylvania, licensed RNs, LPNs, CRNPs, LDNs, and CNSs must notify the State Board of Nursing of pending criminal charges and a DUI plea, conviction, or participation in ARD (Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition). Failure to disclose a DUI conviction to the Board can result in a loss of your nursing license.

Emergency Medical Technicians must report a DUI arrest and/or conviction to the Pennsylvania Department of Health which then has the right to revoke your EMT license. If you are applying for an EMT certification, and have been convicted of DUI within the previous four years, you may not be able to become certified at all.

The Pennsylvania Board of Pharmacy may question your judgment, character, fitness, and ability to serve the public as a licensed pharmacist if you are convicted of a DUI or complete an ARD program due to alcohol and/or drug charges. Although each situation is assessed on a case-by-case basis, if you are convicted of a felony, you may lose your license permanently.  

The Federal Aviation Administration and the Civil Action Security Division require licensed pilots to report a DUI conviction within 60 days. If you don’t, your pilot’s license can be suspended or revoked.

Other Professionals that Can be Affected by DUI Charges
Police officers, firefighters, teachers, and other public service workers may be disciplined for DUI convictions as well. Each municipality and school system handles these matters in its own way. Attorneys and accountants also run the risk of their professional license being suspended or revoked if they are convicted of a DUI. 

Regardless of what you do for a living, if you have been charged with a DUI, it is critical to seek the counsel of an experienced DUI defense attorney who will fight for your rights.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

How to Prove a Distracted Driver Caused a Car Accident

personal injury attorney

Distracted driving is a growing problem in the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), driver distraction took 3,142 lives in 2019 alone. If you have been involved in an accident you believe was caused by a distracted driver, there are steps you can take to protect your rights. Learning how a personal injury attorney will investigate these claims can help you understand the process and make informed decisions about the options that may be available for recovering compensation. 

Types of Distracted Driving
Although texting and talking on the phone are two of the most common types of driver distraction, eating, drinking, putting on makeup, talking with passengers, adjusting controls, and dealing with kids or pets in the backseat are also considered distractions that can cause an accident. There are many different types of evidence that can help prove distracted driving. Top accident attorneys know how to put them all together to create cohesive cases that prove a distracted driver was at fault. 

Analyzing the Scene of the Accident
Photographs, traffic and surveillance cameras, and other tools can help investigators piece together how an accident occurred. Skid marks and damage to vehicles, guardrails, and traffic signs can tell a story as well. Personal injury lawyers often employ car crash reconstructionists who examine evidence from the scene to determine whether a driver’s attention was diverted when an accident happened. These car accident experts provide critical testimony that can provide convincing evidence to support a claim. 

Cell Phone Data and Records
Cell phone records are one of the most valuable tools when it comes to proving distracted driving behaviors such as texting or talking on the phone. A lawyer can subpoena a driver’s cell phone data and records to determine whether they were texting, checking email, or using a device for GPS or other purposes while driving. 

Eyewitness Statements
If another driver, passenger, pedestrian, or bystander noticed that a driver was distracted at the time of a collision, their statements or testimony also can help prove your case. If you are involved in an accident, obtaining witness statements and contact information at the scene can add another layer of evidence that your car crash injury lawyer can use to help prove your case. 

Police Reports 
It is critical to call 911 or local law enforcement after a crash. Police scrutinize the scene and collect evidence to try and determine the circumstances of a crash and who may be at fault. They also collect the statements of the other driver, passengers, and witnesses to document what happened. Police reports and law enforcement testimony can provide important information that helps to confirm that a driver was distracted or exhibiting other dangerous behaviors when an accident occurred. 

How an Attorney Can Help
In addition to building a case that proves your distracted driving claim, your car accident attorney can aggressively negotiate on your behalf and help you recover maximum compensation for damages such as pain and suffering, medical expenses, wage loss, emotional distress, and other damages. 

Contact a personal injury attorney to learn more about distracted driving accident claims.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Who Is Liable for a Self-Driving Vehicle Accident?


Car Crash Injury Lawyer

Also known as autonomous vehicles, self-driving cars continue to be developed by companies such as Uber, Tesla, Waymo and others. Although they are designed to eliminate driver error and reduce the incidence of accidents, some self-driving vehicles have been involved in serious, fatal crashes. If you have been hurt in a self-driving car accident, it can be tough to figure out who may be liable for your injuries and damages. A good car crash injury lawyer can determine which parties may be responsible and help you recover compensation for your medical bills, wage loss, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Automation is Intended to Reduce Driver Error

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), some type of human error is responsible for approximately 94 percent of all motor vehicle crashes in the United States. The economic and human costs of these crashes are innumerable. While the creation of self-driving cars seeks to significantly reduce these costs, crashes involving self-driving vehicles have led to significant questions about liability.

Who is Responsible When an Autonomous Vehicle Causes Injury or Death?

There are several elements that may be involved in any type of accident, but when an autonomous vehicle is involved, liability issues can get murky. The most common causes of car accidents include:

Human Error

Most self-driving cars still have human operators who remotely monitor the vehicle while it is on the road. If an operator is ultimately responsible for controlling a self-driving vehicle, they may be personally liable if their negligence causes a crash. For example, if a remote operator of an autonomous vehicle falls asleep and is involved in an accident, they may be responsible for any damages resulting from the collision.

Defective Design or Manufacturing

Technology fails for many different reasons, including improper design, defective parts, and vehicle malfunction. In these types of cases, the designer, parts manufacturer, auto manufacturer, and other parties may be liable if a self-driving car is involved in a crash.

Poor Regulation

Regulatory agencies are also responsible for keeping everyone safe on the road. If a government entity permits unsafe self-driving vehicles to operate, they may be responsible if testing on roadways results in harm to the public. When bringing a claim against a municipality or other government agency, there are strict procedures and deadlines that must be followed. These entities also enjoy certain liability protections that individuals and businesses do not. If you believe poor regulation of a self-driving vehicle led to an accident, it is vital to hire a personal injury lawyer who has experience handling these types of cases.

Dealing with Insurance Companies after a Self-Driving Vehicle Accident

Because several parties may be responsible for damages in a self-driving car accident, negotiating with multiple insurance adjusters can be a nightmare. In cases involving autonomous vehicles, you may have to file a claim with the insurers of:

- The company that owns the vehicle

- The vehicle operator

- Technology and parts designers and manufacturers

- Other motorists involved in the accident

- A regulatory agency

Determining exactly who is at fault in these crashes is overwhelming and confusing. Although many of these companies have high limits on their liability policies, it doesn’t mean they will offer a fair personal injury settlement from the get-go. An experienced auto accident attorney can help you sort it all out and assist you with pursuing compensation from the appropriate parties.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a self-driving vehicle accident, contact an attorney for a free case evaluation.

This blog was originally posted on

Wills 101: Navigating the Essentials, Common Myths, and Key Benefits

When it comes to safeguarding your future and ensuring that your estate is handled according to your wishes, understanding the legal landsca...