Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

COVID-19: Medical Malpractice Risks While Treating Patients


Best malpractice attorneys

The coronavirus pandemic has stressed the health care system in many ways. With long shifts spent caring for extremely ill COVID-19 patients, health care providers also have been presented with untested treatment protocols. The best malpractice attorneys will say that health care providers face the possibility of an increase in the number of medical malpractice cases.

The first steps health care providers can take to protect themselves from malpractice claims is to make sure their malpractice insurance carrier will cover them in the event of a lawsuit:

- Is the physician helping-out at a facility in a state other than where he or she was licensed? If so, find out if that state has waived its licensing requirement.

- Notify the insurance carrier, in case the state where the doctor is helping-out has a different liability limit.

- Is the physician providing care outside their specialty or expertise? The doctor should notify the insurance carrier.

Medical malpractice cases hinge on “standard of care,” according to top-rated personal injury lawyers. Did the health care provider’s actions/decisions meet the standard of care for this particular disease or condition? If the answer is “yes,” then proving medical malpractice becomes very challenging for the plaintiff’s attorney. He or she then must prove outright negligence or intent to harm, which are difficult to prove.

Because so much about COVID-19 was and is still unknown, the medical community does not have a standard of care for this disease. Instead, in an attempt to save acutely ill patients, physicians were compelled to try treatment protocols that were unproven on this previously unknown disease.

What steps might a doctor take to document that an acceptable standard of care was met?

1. Document that all known standards of care on infection prevention and control were met.

2. Document the reasoning behind treatment decisions, once again meeting an acceptable standard of care whenever possible.

3. Document that he or she is staying up to date on treatment recommendations from infectious disease specialists.

If a hospital becomes overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients, the risks within the emergency department (ED) are compounded. ED is where incoming patients are triaged, and it is likely that COVID-19 suspects will be prioritized. However, COVID-19 testing can be unreliable and patients may not be diagnosed correctly, so an accident can occur.

For instance, it may be difficult to discern whether a suspected COVID-19 patient should be sent home to isolate and receive palliative care, or be admitted to the hospital. If the patient’s condition does not progress to severe symptoms, he or she may be better off at home, as long as there is a place for the patient to isolate and recover. However, if the patient’s symptoms were to become serious, it would be best to have the patient in the hospital to receive immediate, advanced support such as a respirator or ventilator.

In addition, patients with other acute medical conditions may not be prioritized as they should be. If these patients are “missed,” the doctor and health care system is at great risk for a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Need to know more about medical malpractice in the age of COVID-19? Be sure to contact an experienced attorney at Perna & Abracht LLC for a free consultation.

This blog was originally posted on

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What An Attorney Considers Before Accepting Your Personal Injury Case


Top accident attorneys

If you have been injured in an accident or due to a malfunctioning product, you should seek the guidance of a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Top accident attorneys can help you avoid some common mistakes people make that can affect the amount of your settlement. According to a study by the Insurance Research Council, injured people who have an attorney working on their behalf receive settlements 3.5 times larger than those who settle on their own with insurance companies.

However, many people do not realize that an experienced personal injury attorney does not take every case that is brought to him or her. Personal injury attorneys usually work on a contingency fee, which means that they only get paid if you win a settlement. If the case does not justify an attorney’s involvement, the lawyer will decline the case.

So, what does an attorney consider before accepting your personal injury case?

When the accident or injury occurred. There are prescriptive periods or “Limitations” regarding the amount of time in which you can file a personal injury claim following the accident, and these vary from state to state. Your attorney will know what the rule is in the state in which you would file your lawsuit.

Where the accident or injury occurred. This would include the state, county and municipality where you were injured. You may have exceeded the prescriptive period in the state, or perhaps failed to comply with other rules that regard personal injury cases.

If the liable party is insured. Car accident attorneys often are reluctant to take a personal injury case if the liable party does not have insurance that would pay a settlement. It is very difficult to procure payment from individuals who are not insured.

The extent of your injuries. Monetary damages are established based on the impact of the injuries to your ability to carry on tasks of daily living and to work, as well as the amount of estimated medical bills. The injury may be real, but an attorney may decline the case if you will quickly recover to your previous abilities, and without sizeable medical bills.

Documents you have collected. Documenting an accident as soon as it occurs is very important to maximizing your settlement. Take photos and/or videos (even if you must ask someone at the scene to help you). Write down everything you can remember about the incident and obtain names and contact information of any potential witnesses. Keep records of any medical treatments. Keep a diary of your activities to show the accident’s impact on your personal and work life.

Actions you have taken. If you have been injured by a medical mistake, your medical malpractice law firm will want to review all the records associated with your case. Be sure to collect all medical records if you were taken to the hospital following an accident. If you aren’t in need of emergency care, it is often best to talk to your attorney before visiting a doctor or health care facility. If a defective product injured you, keep the product in precisely the condition it was in at the moment you were injured, and retain all packaging, instructions and receipts that accompanied the product.

If you have been injured and another individual or entity is at fault, do not delay seeking the guidance of a highly experienced attorney, who will determine if you have a viable case and what actions you should take next.

This blog was originally posted on

From Negligence to Settlement: A Complete Guide to Personal Injury Claims

  If you have suffered an injury due to someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation through a personal injury lawsuit...