Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.


Monday, November 23, 2020

Who Pays for Damages and Injuries After a Rental Car Accident?

Sorting out who will pay for your medical care and property damage after a car accident can be difficult, but when a crash occurs in a rental car it may be even more challenging. Most rental car companies offer supplemental insurance, but you may be able to recover compensation from your own auto insurer as well. Each situation is unique, and there is no way to know exactly how it will all shake out. A car wreck attorney can evaluate your case and determine who may be responsible for your medical bills, loss of income, pain and suffering, and other damages. 

Types of Rental Car Insurance Coverage

There are multiple ways to ensure you have enough coverage on a rental car, including:

Personal car insurance—Typically, your own auto insurance company will cover property damage and any injuries you or your passengers sustain in a rental car accident. However, you should read your policy or contact your insurance company before assuming that you are covered when renting a car.  

Pennsylvania drivers are required to have minimum Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage of $5,000 for medical benefits, $15,000 for bodily injury liability per person, and $5,000 for property damage. Most accident lawyers recommend that you purchase more PIP coverage, as the minimum amounts may barely be enough to cover a portion of your medical bills and other damages. 

Credit card coverage—Many financial institutions offer protection if you use their credit card when renting a car. If any of your cards offer this coverage, make sure to use one of them.

Rental car company— Doing your research before you book a rental car can help you save a lot of money. Most rental car companies push consumers to add on insurance at the time of the rental. Reviewing your own policy and the benefits you may have through the credit card you use to rent the car may provide plenty of coverage. 

When Someone Else is Responsible for an Accident

How liability is assigned in a car accident depends on the specific circumstances. If an accident in a rental car was caused by another motorist’s negligence, you will most likely need to file a claim with their auto insurance company. Depending on their levels of coverage or whether your claim is denied, you may end up using your own PIP policy as well. Consulting a Pennsylvania personal injury attorney who is well-versed in handling accident claims that involve multiple insurance companies is the best way to make sure all possible avenues of compensation are pursued to your benefit. A lawyer can investigate your case, determine who is at fault, and help you seek maximum compensation to protect your health and financial future. 

If you need assistance figuring-out who may be liable for damages after a rental car accident, contact a local injury attorney today.

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Monday, November 16, 2020

Should you Hire an Accident Attorney or Handle the Claim Yourself?

Best Accident Lawyers

When you have been hurt in an accident and you are focused on your recovery, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of the next steps to take. If someone else’s negligence caused your injury, you might be entitled to damages, but is it wise to handle the claim on your own or should you hire a personal injury lawyer? Considering these factors can enable you to make an informed decision about hiring an attorney. 

1. Personal Injury Law is Complex

If you are only dealing with property damage, you most likely will not need an attorney. But if you or a loved one has been injured; it is important to know how tort law may apply to your case. The best accident lawyers will give you an honest assessment of your claim. Most offer a free initial consultation and case evaluation, so you have nothing to lose if you decide to consult with an attorney. 

2. You May Underestimate the Value of Your Claim

Attempting to pursue an accident claim on your own is usually a losing proposition. It can be easy to underestimate the cost of future medical bills and loss of income, especially if it is not clear how your injuries will affect your health and quality of life in the future. Whether you were hurt in a slip and fall accident or motor vehicle collision, a seasoned personal injury attorney will know how to accurately value your damages and fight to help you recover the maximum compensation you need and deserve. 

3. Dealing with Insurance Companies can be Challenging

After an accident, speaking with insurance adjusters and negotiating a settlement may be the last thing on your mind. Insurance companies are in the business of making money—even your own insurance company may not have your best interests in mind. Insurers have teams of lawyers and adjusters whose job is to find ways to minimize or deny personal injury claims. Skilled Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers are familiar with these blame-shifting tactics and will negotiate aggressively on your behalf so you can focus on what is important –healing and getting on with your life. 

4. Personal Injury Lawyers Know How to Prove Liability

For a personal injury claim to be successful, you must prove that your injuries and losses are the other party’s fault. Although medical records, photos of the scene and your injuries, witness testimony, surveillance camera footage and police reports are valuable evidence, it takes the experienced eye of an accident attorney to put them all together and build a case to prove negligence. In addition, personal injury law firms often have experts such as accident reconstructionists, investigators and medical experts who can help to explain the extent of your injuries and why a party may be liable.  

Do you or a loved one need assistance with an accident claim? Our personal injury lawyers in Chester County, PA can assess your case and advise you of your rights and options.

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Monday, November 9, 2020

Common Estate Planning Errors that May Have Unintended Consequences

Pennsylvania Estate Planning Attorney

Having a solid estate plan in place is important to ensuring that your wishes are carried out and your family is taken care of. Regardless of the size of your estate, attempting to create an estate plan on your own can lead to costly mistakes down the road. Being aware of these common estate planning mistakes, and seeking the counsel of an experienced Pennsylvania estate planning attorney, can help to ensure all of you are well prepared for whatever may come your way.   

Only Having a Will

A last Will and testament is not a complete estate plan. It is critical to consult an estate planning lawyer to find out how to best protect your interests and your beneficiaries. The best estate attorneys will do a comprehensive review of your assets and finances, talk with you about planning for incapacity, ascertain your family circumstances, and advise you on whether trusts would provide any benefit to you or your loved ones.  

Failing to Create Powers of Attorney for Finances and Health Care

Many people have the misconception that creating a general durable Power of Attorney [POA] will give your agent control over your health care decisions and financial matters. Being as specific as possible in a POA can help to ensure your rights are protected and your desires are carried-out as you intended if you become incapacitated. 

A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, also referred-to as a Health Care Directive, allows your designated agent to make medical decisions on your behalf, and also enables you to specify your wishes for end-of-life decisions if you are unable to make them yourself. A Durable Power of Attorney for Finances gives your agent the ability to handle your finances in the event of incapacity. While most people choose the same person for both types of POA, some prefer to name separate trusted individuals to manage their health care decisions and finances. Attorneys who specialize in Wills are knowledgeable about how Powers of Attorney should be drafted. 

Misunderstanding the Implications of How your Assets are Distributed

Even if you have a Will, some assets like life insurance and retirement accounts are not typically controlled by your Will and do not have to pass through probate. This can lead to problems if you fail to update beneficiaries after major life changes like divorce or the death of a spouse. In addition, understanding which assets may be subject to estate and income taxes can help your beneficiaries keep more of their inheritance in the long run. 

Other actions that you may think are beneficial, such as adding your adult child to the title of your home or other property, attempting to plan your estate around specific assets, or failing to create trusts for minor children and loved ones who are not good at managing money can have disastrous unintended consequences. A probate lawyer can help you understand how certain estate planning documents like trusts can be effective ways to simplify things and reduce the amount of time and money your beneficiaries spend on settling your estate.  

These are just a few common estate planning mistakes that can throw a wrench into even the best-laid plans. An experienced attorney can help you sort it all out and create a solid estate plan that gives you peace of mind.

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Monday, November 2, 2020

4 Things to Consider when Creating Your Will

Probate Lawyer

Regardless of your age or income, it is essential to have a properly drafted Will. Although thinking about and discussing death is not pleasant for anyone, having a Last Will and Testament in place at the time of your death can relieve your loved ones from a heavy emotional and financial burden. Hiring an attorney for will preparation helps to ensure it is prepared correctly the first time, and gives you and your family peace of mind. Taking these four issues into consideration is vital when writing your Will. 

1. Take Stock of Your Property and Assets

Before meeting with an estate planning lawyer, sit down and make a list of all your assets and property. This includes your home, vehicles, jewelry, and any other items of value. Write down the amounts of all your bank accounts, investments, stocks and other financial assets. Keep in mind that certain assets such as retirement accounts, proceeds from life insurance, and property owned in joint tenancy typically fall outside the scope of a Will, so make sure all beneficiaries are up to date. Although some people prefer to keep their Will fairly general, if you have certain items or family heirlooms that you want to pass on to specific people, include a comprehensive list of who gets what. An experienced probate lawyer can help you understand which assets may avoid probate and how proper estate planning can help make the process easier and less time-consuming for your loved ones.  

2. Think about who to Choose for Vital Roles

Choosing the right executor for your Will can be daunting. Of course, you should choose someone you trust to take care of your affairs and settle your estate according to your wishes. Picking legal guardians for minor children and pets can also be overwhelming. If you are setting-up trusts for your children, it may be best to choose someone else as trustee. It can be tough to put aside your emotions when making these important decisions. Discussing your family dynamics and other issues with your estate attorney is always a good idea. Your lawyer can provide an objective perspective that may help you see things more clearly. 

3. Consider all Beneficiaries

If you are married, typically your estate will pass on to your spouse, but what happens if you both pass at the same time? Think about the family, friends, and charities you would like to include as beneficiaries. If you want to leave money or assets to a loved one who isn’t great at handling their finances, talk with your attorney about setting-up a trust whose assets will be controlled by someone else. If you wish to provide for a loved one with special needs, your attorney can help you set up a trust for them as well. If you have children from multiple marriages or a blended family, make sure to discuss your wishes with your attorney so they are laid out specifically in your Will. 

4. Do Not Go it Alone

Although estate planning websites make it look easy, attempting to draft a Will on your own can lead to serious mistakes that can have disastrous financial and emotional consequences for your beneficiaries.  If you are concerned about the expense, keep in mind that the cost of having a lawyer draft your Will is probably not as much as you think. 

Do you need assistance with creating a Will or estate plan? Contact a Pennsylvania estate planning lawyer today

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From Negligence to Settlement: A Complete Guide to Personal Injury Claims

  If you have suffered an injury due to someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation through a personal injury lawsuit...