Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Standard of Care in Medicine: What It is and Why it Matters in Medical Malpractice Claims

Standard of Care in Medicine: What It is and Why it Matters in Medical Malpractice Claims

Patients often have an expectation that their physician is looking out for their best interests and will provide the best care they possibly can. Sometimes, however, health care providers and hospitals make mistakes or fail to provide proper care, which can lead to serious injury, illness, and even death. Top medical malpractice attorneys help clients understand the standard of care in medicine and how it applies in different types of claims

What Is The Standard Of Care? 

Standard of care is defined as the level and type of care a sensible health care provider with similar education, experience, and training would provide under comparable circumstances, typically in the same community. Simply put, standards of medical care are common ‘best practices’ and protocols widely accepted by health care professionals in the same field and in the same geographic region.

In some cases, if a practitioner followed a different course of treatment than other professionals in the same purview, there is a rule called the Respectable Minority Rule, which may show that the difficult course of treatment is recognized by a respectable minority of physicians. However, before starting treatment with such a different course of treatment, a patient should be informed that the treatment recommended to them is not widely accepted by the majority of professionals in the same area of medicine. 

Why Is Standard Of Care In Medicine Important In Malpractice Cases?

The standard of care is a significant piece of the puzzle when proving whether a health care provider may be liable for a patient’s injuries. The main elements that must be demonstrated in most medical malpractice cases include:  

The established standard of medical care that the provider owed to the injured party under the circumstances

The health care provider is breach of that standard of care

Injury or harm to the patient

A causal connection between the health care provider’s negligence and the patient’s injury

The Right Expert Witness Testimony Is Essential

The standard of care in a specific case usually rests on the expert testimony of professionals in the field of medicine in which the physician in question is currently practicing. Determining the standard of care is often challenging. It may take multiple expert witnesses to show whether or not a patient was harmed by the action or inaction of a medical provider. 

First, an expert witness must establish what the standard of care is for a particular medical field. Then, the expert must testify as to how the patient’s course of treatment failed to meet that standard. Finally, the testimony should establish how the patient was harmed by treatment that did not meet the standard of care. 

This is why it is critical to hire the best personal injury lawyer who has a track record of success in winning complex medical malpractice cases.  Attorneys with a wide range of experience in this area of the law often have working relationships with widely-respected medical professionals who lend credibility to medical malpractice claims. After all, just as one would not ask their family doctor to perform brain surgery, too they should not hire a car wreck attorney to handle a medical malpractice case.

Establishing standard of medical care is just one facet of a possible medical malpractice claim. For a complimentary case evaluation, contact our medical malpractice lawyers in Chester County, PA.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

How Medication Errors can have Serious Consequences

How Medication Errors can have Serious Consequences

Medications are amazing tools that can enhance one’s physical and mental health, ease pain, and even save lives. Patients rely on physicians, nurses, hospitals, pharmacies and other health care professionals to dispense medication in a safe manner. Unfortunately, medication errors occur more often than they should, and can result in serious injury or death. The best medical malpractice attorneys understand that the consequences of medication errors can be life-changing. Filing a medical malpractice claim can help injured patients and their families hold the negligent parties accountable. 

Common Types of Medication Errors

From the initial prescription written by a health care professional to the pharmacy that fills it, medication errors can happen at any level. These errors also occur in hospitals, where nurses are typically responsible for administering medications.  

Common medication errors include:

Prescribing the wrong medication

Prescribing an incorrect dosage

Failing to ask about a patient’s medical history and current medications before prescribing a medication

Prescribing medications with dangerous interactions

Prescribing medication to a patient who is allergic to it

Administering medicine to the wrong patient in a hospital

Administering an incorrect dose of medication

Forgetting to administer a dose of a critical medication

Failing to inform a patient of the risks of a medication

Prescribing a drug for off-label use (to treat a condition for which the drug is not approved by the FDA) 

Dispensing errors in pharmacies

Repercussions of Medication Errors

Depending on the circumstances, these mistakes can do great harm to patients and their families.  Medication errors can also destroy a medical provider’s and facility’s reputation, lead to medical malpractice claims, and result in criminal charges in some cases. 

A range of complications for patients can result from medication errors, including permanent injury or death. For example, if a nurse forgets to administer blood pressure medication to a patient in the hospital and they have a stroke, they can suffer permanent disabilities such as paralysis, memory loss, speech and language problems, weakness, or death. 

An avoidable error such as prescribing an incorrect dose of an antibiotic can cause someone with an infection to develop a life-threatening condition like sepsis. Most medication errors are avoidable, which makes it even more frustrating if one is injured or coping with the injury or wrongful death of a loved one due to a health care professional’s mistake. 

Recovering Compensation for Medication Errors

If you have been harmed by a medication error, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. There are countless scenarios in which medication errors may occur, and the best personal injury lawyers have seen it all. It can be challenging to know whether you have a medical malpractice claim, so it is vital to speak with an attorney. Not only can a lawyer help you recover the compensation you deserve, but by holding health care providers and facilities accountable for their actions youmay save someone else’s life in the future.  

When you trust a doctor or hospital to provide the care you need, being injured or losing a loved one because of a medication error can be devastating. Our medical malpractice lawyers in Chester County, PA can provide a free case evaluation and advise you of your options.

This blog was originally posted on

Thursday, October 14, 2021

How Do Pre-existing Conditions Affect Personal Injury Claims?

How Do Pre-existing Conditions Affect Personal Injury Claims?

Many people suffer from illnesses and injuries throughout their lifetimes, and pre-existing conditions can play a major role in some personal injury cases. Typically, an injured victim cannot recover compensation for underlying conditions that were not caused by an accident, but they are entitled to compensation if those pre-existing conditions were made worse by the accident. The best accident attorneys always advise clients to disclose any pre-existing conditions to ensure they have all the information they need to build a solid personal injury case. 

Why Your Attorney Needs To Know About Pre-Existing Conditions

Informing your attorney of any pre-existing physical injuries or mental health conditions such as anxiety, PTSD, or depression is critical to establishing whether or not an accident caused the conditions to worsen. When you file a personal injury claim, insurance companies will scrutinize your medical history for the purpose of blaming your current injuries on a pre-existing injury or medical issue, regardless of how minor the pre-existing condition may be. A good injury lawyer will establish the degree to which an accident aggravated a pre-existing problem and/or caused new and distinct injuries. This is a critical element when determining the amount of compensation you may be able to pursue in a personal injury claim. 

Failing to Disclose a Pre-Existing Condition Can Jeopardize Your Claim

When discussing your medical history with your lawyer, it is essential not to hold anything back. For example, you may consider a childhood injury like a broken wrist irrelevant. It may not be – leave it up to your attorney to determine how it could affect your claim. 

Detailed medical records documenting your pre-existing health issues are critical to establishing their severity and how they affected your life before, and how the injuries you sustained recently have made these pre-existing issues worse.. Seeking medical care as soon as possible after an accident can actually help prove how recent injuries may have worsened an old injury or condition. 

Forgetting or deliberately failing to disclose a pre-existing condition could hurt your credibility, affect your chances of recovering compensation, and may even result in an insurer taking legal action against you if an omission is discovered later.  

A Pre-Existing Condition Won’t Always Prevent You from Recovering Compensation

Some victims who are already living with an injury may be hesitant to file an accident claim because they think their pre-existing condition will prevent them from recovering any compensation. This is simply untrue – again, leave it up to an experienced attorney to determine whether or not a claim is worth pursuing. Even if your pre-existing condition means you may not recover as much compensation as you would have without it, if someone else was responsible for causing new injuries or worsening old injuries, you deserve to be compensated for your damages. 

Scheduling a case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer can’t hurt – your initial consultation is free. Top car accident lawyers will thoroughly assess your case, review your complete medical history, and advise you of all the options that may be available to you.

Personal injury claims are complex, and pre-existing conditions can make it even more difficult to recover the full and fair compensation you need. Contact a personal injury attorney today to learn more. 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

3 Elements of Product Liability Claims

3 Elements of Product Liability Claims

Whether it’s their vehicle or headache medicine, most consumers typically assume that the products they use are safe. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When someone suffers an injury caused by a product, they may have recourse for recovering compensation for any damages caused. If you or a loved one has been hurt by a product you’ve used, talking with a good injury lawyer is critical to understanding your options. 

Factors Considered in Product Liability Claims
Negligence is a major element in any personal injury claim. However, there are three specific factors that are usually considered in product liability claims, including:
Manufacturing defects
Design defects
Failure to warn

Manufacturing Defects
When a product is improperly manufactured and causes harm, manufacturers may be held liable. Sadly, manufacturers sometimes put cost and speed of production above safety. Incorrect assembly, faulty installation of wiring and circuitry, and use of wrong materials to construct a product are just a few examples of manufacturing defects. Top car accident lawyers have litigated many cases involving manufacturing defects such as brake failure, unintended acceleration, and improperly deployed airbags. 

Design Defects
Design defects typically happen during the development of a product. Design defects can involve a product causing harm when being used correctly, or when harmful materials are utilized to make a product. Examples include designing top-heavy SUVs that increase the risk of rollover when making sharp turns at high speeds, or creating children’s toys that pose a choking hazard. 

Failure to Warn
Products that have the potential to be dangerous must have adequate warnings to help consumers use them properly and avoid being injured. For instance, a tool such as a chainsaw should have instructions for proper use and warnings about any potential hazards. Even if hazards are evident, consumers should be informed that failure to use a product as it is intended could lead to serious harm.  If there is no warning included and someone gets hurt, the manufacturer may be liable. 

Proving Product Liability Claims
For a viable product liability claim, it is not enough to simply demonstrate that a product is defective. Your attorney must prove that you were injured due to the defect while using the product as intended. If you were using it in an inappropriate way when injured, you may not be entitled to compensation. You also must demonstrate that you suffered losses due to your injuries, such as medical bills, wage loss, pain and suffering, and other damages. 

Sufficient Evidence is Key
Product liability claims can be extremely complex, especially when they involve products such as pharmaceuticals or dangerous chemicals. To prove product liability, the best accident lawyers utilize evidence such as:
The actual defective product
Product design plans
Evidence of designer or manufacturer knowledge of the defect, which may include notes, designs, emails, and other internal or external correspondence
Medical records
Medical bills 
Proof of income, such as pay stubs and W-2s
Photos of  the defects and consequent injuries
Accident reports
Witness testimony
Expert witness testimony
Labels, instructions, and warnings
Marketing materials 

Your lawyer also will collect any other relevant evidence and put it all together to demonstrate that you were harmed by a defective product, and that you suffered injuries and loses. 

Contact a personal injury attorney to learn more about product liability claims.

From Negligence to Settlement: A Complete Guide to Personal Injury Claims

  If you have suffered an injury due to someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation through a personal injury lawsuit...