Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Understanding Dog Bite Laws for Injured Victims

 personal injury lawyers

Dog bites can be traumatic events that lead to serious injuries. Each year, millions of Americans are bitten by dogs, and the legal steps that follow can be critical for victims seeking compensation and justice. This article will guide you through the dog bite laws relevant to injured victims, and help you to assert your rights effectively.

What Are Dog Bite Laws?

Dog bite laws vary by state but generally fall into two categories: strict liability and negligence.

     Strict Liability: Many states operate under "strict liability" laws where the dog owner is automatically responsible for any injury or damage the dog causes, regardless of the owner's negligence or the dog's past behavior.

     Negligence: Some states require the injured party to prove that the dog owner's negligence caused the injury. This might include showing that the owner failed to secure the dog, ignored local leash laws, or knew of the animal’s vicious propensity.

Understanding the specific laws in your state is crucial, and consulting with personal injury lawyers in Chester or Delaware Counties PA can provide you with tailored advice and representation.

How to Prove Liability in a Dog Bite Case

Proving liability involves demonstrating that the dog owner's actions or lack of action led to the incident. Here are some points that are typically investigated:

     Proof of Ownership: Confirming that the defendant owns the dog involved in the attack.

     Previous Aggression: Indications that the dog had shown dangerous tendencies in the past.

     Violation of Animal Control Laws: Evidence that the owner violated local laws regarding animal control, such as leash requirements.

Gathering the right evidence is essential and can be effectively handled by the best personal injury lawyer who understands the nuances of dog bite cases.

Common Injuries and Legal Recourse

Dog bites can result in a range of injuries, from minor scratches to severe trauma. Here are some common injuries:

     Puncture wounds

     Infections like rabies or tetanus

     Scarring and disfigurement

     Nerve damage

Victims of dog bites can seek damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. The expertise of top accident attorneys can be crucial in effectively navigating these claims.

Steps to Take Following a Dog Bite

If you are bitten by a dog, there are several immediate steps you should take:

     Medical Attention: Seek medical care for any injuries. This is vital for your health and provides documentation for your case.

     Report the Incident: File a report with your local animal control or sheriff's department.

     Document Everything: Take photos of your injuries, the location of the incident, and the dog if possible.

     Gather Witness Information: Collect names and contact information of anyone who witnessed the attack.

     Legal Consultation: Contact personal injury lawyers in Chester County PA to discuss your case and next steps.

Legal Representation: Why It Matters

Having skilled legal representation can significantly impact the outcome of a dog bite case. A qualified attorney can:

     Navigate court complexities

     Maximize the compensation you may receive

     Represent you in dealings with insurance companies

Lawyers who specialize in these cases often have a deep understanding of local statutes and can leverage their knowledge to your benefit.

Your Next Steps After a Dog Bite Incident

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite, it is important to act quickly to protect your legal rights and ensure your health is not further compromised. Seeking the counsel of experienced legal professionals can make a substantial difference in the handling of your case.

Whether you are negotiating with insurers or pursuing litigation, having the right attorney can help you effectively manage the aftermath of a dog bite. Our team includes some of the best advocates you could ask for.

Contact Us for a complimentary consultation. We are here to assist you and ensure your rights are fully protected.

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Types of Sex Crimes and their Legal Implications

sex crimes lawyer

Sex crimes encompass a broad array of offenses that involve illegal or coerced sexual conduct against another individual. These serious allegations can lead to severe legal consequences, including substantial fines, lengthy prison sentences, and mandatory registration as a sex offender. Understanding the types of sex crimes and their legal implications is crucial for anyone facing such charges. Here’s an overview:

Major Categories of Sex Crimes

     Sexual Assault: This includes any non-consensual sexual contact or behavior towards another person. Sexual assault is a grave offense that can vary from groping or fondling to rape.

     Child Pornography: Involves the creation, distribution, or possession of sexually explicit material involving minors. It is rigorously prosecuted and heavily penalized under federal and state laws.

     Prostitution and Solicitation: These offenses cover engaging in, soliciting, or arranging sexual services for compensation. Penalties can include imprisonment and hefty fines, depending on the circumstances and state laws.

     Indecent Exposure: The deliberate exposure of one’s genitals in a public setting where such behavior is likely to be offensive.

     Sexual Harassment: Unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks, typically in the workplace, that create a hostile or offensive environment.

Legal Implications

The consequences of being convicted for a sex crime are severe and can be life-altering. Here are some typical legal outcomes:

     Criminal Penalties: Convictions can lead to jail time, with sentences varying widely depending on the severity of the offense, the defendant’s criminal history, and the state where the crime occurred.

     Civil Penalties: Victims may sue perpetrators in civil court to recover damages for emotional distress, physical injuries, and other losses.

     Sex Offender Registration: Many sex crime convictions require offenders to register as sex offenders, a status that can severely restrict where they can live, work, and travel.

Defense Strategies

A skilled sex crimes lawyer can provide critical help in defending against allegations of sexual offenses. Effective defense strategies might include:

     Consent: Proving that the alleged victim consented to the sexual conduct can be a valid defense, depending on the age and capacity to consent.

     Mistaken Identity: The defendant may argue that they were not the perpetrator or that the accuser misidentified them.

     Alibi: Demonstrating that the defendant was not present at the time and location of the alleged crime can effectively counter the charges.

     Insufficient Evidence: A criminal defense attorney may argue that the prosecution has not met its burden of proof to establish the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Additional Legal Services

For those facing charges that may also involve drug-related offenses, a drug defense lawyer can provide specific expertise. Furthermore, individuals who have been victims of domestic violence in conjunction with sexual offenses might seek representation from lawyers for domestic violence victims. These specialized attorneys are well-equipped to handle the complexities of cases that intersect different types of criminal allegations.

How to Respond If Accused

If you or a loved one is accused of a sex crime, it is imperative to act swiftly to protect your rights and future. Here are initial steps you should consider:

Do Not Speak to Law Enforcement Without Legal Representation: It’s crucial to have legal counsel present during any interactions with the police to avoid self-incrimination.

     Contact a Reputable Attorney Immediately: Engaging an attorney early can help ensure that your defense strategy is formulated promptly and effectively.

     Preserve Evidence: Collect and preserve any evidence that may support your defense, including communications like texts and emails.

Facing sex crime charges can be daunting and emotionally taxing. However, with the right legal support, you can fight the allegations and work towards a favorable outcome. If you’re dealing with such issues, don’t hesitate to Contact Us for a complimentary consultation.

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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Mediation vs. Litigation: Choosing the Right Path for Your Divorce

affordable divorce attorneys

When facing the difficult decision of divorce, choosing the right method to proceed can significantly impact both the emotional and financial health of all parties involved. This article discusses the nuances between mediation and litigation, helping you decide the best course of action for your circumstances.

Understanding Your Options

1. Mediation

Mediation is a collaborative approach in which both parties work with a neutral, third-party mediator to negotiate and reach agreements. The key benefits include:

     Privacy: Mediation allows you and your spouse to negotiate in a confidential setting, away from the public eye. This privacy can ease the emotional strain of divorce proceedings and keep personal details out of the public record, unlike traditional court cases.

     Control: In mediation, you and your spouse have the opportunity to reach mutually-agreeable decisions, maintaining control over the outcomes, including asset division, child custody, and support arrangements. This contrasts with litigation, in which a judge may make certain decisions.

     Cost: Mediation is typically less expensive than litigation due to lower attorney fees and reduced court costs. By resolving disputes through mediation, couples can avoid the financial burdens associated with prolonged court battles and extensive legal research.

     Speed: Mediation can be significantly quicker than litigation, as it avoids the lengthy procedures of court schedules. This process allows for more flexible scheduling, enabling both parties to resolve their disputes in a timely manner and move forward with their lives.

Consider mediation if you and your spouse believe you can resolve issues amicably. Mediation often leads to better post-divorce relationships, crucial for effective co-parenting. However, mediation is not appropriate in all divorce cases. Engaging the best divorce lawyers can help you determine if mediation is advisable in your case, and they can review agreements that result from mediation to ensure that such agreements are in your best legal interest.

2. Litigation

Litigation provides parties with a third-party decisionmaker (hearing officer or judge) for when they cannot come to an agreement by and between themselves which is required in mediation. This is the traditional form of divorce and more structured than mediation. The main aspects include:

     Formality: The process is governed by formal rules and procedures.

     Decisiveness: A hearing officer or judge will make decisions if the parties cannot mutually agree on an issue.

     Representation: Each party typically hires an attorney to advocate for his/her individual interests which mediators do not¾and cannot¾do.

Litigation might be unavoidable if there are significant disagreements, especially involving complex assets or allegations of misconduct.  Litigation is also advisable when there is a disparity of financial knowledge and/or bargaining power between the spouses. If you suspect that your divorce may require rigorous legal intervention, consider consulting a specialized divorce attorney, spousal support attorney and/or child custody attorney.

Key Considerations

When deciding between mediation and litigation, consider the following factors:

     Complexity of Assets: High-asset divorces might benefit from the detailed legal procedures of litigation.

     Relationship Dynamics: High-conflict relationships may require formal litigation to resolve effectively.

     Desired Speed of Resolution: Mediation could be faster if both parties are cooperative.

     Financial Resources: Mediation is generally more cost-effective, thanks to affordable divorce attorneys, child support attorneys and/or custody attorneys who can assist in streamlining the process.

Who Should Choose What?

     Mediation is best for couples who have equal knowledge of their finances and equal bargaining power, who are still capable of communicating with each other, and who wish to end their marriage amicably.

     Litigation is advisable for cases in which communication has broken down irretrievably, in which the parties do not have equal knowledge and/or bargaining power, or where significant disputes over custody or finances exist.

Steps to Take

  1. Assess Your Situation: Consider your financial position, the complexity of your custody desires, and your relationship dynamics.
  2. Consult Professionals: Speak with attorneys who can provide guidance based on your specific circumstances.
  3. Choose the Appropriate Path: Decide which process works best for your needs and goals after discussing the pros and cons of each path with a knowledgeable domestic attorney.

Moving Forward with Confidence

Choosing between mediation and litigation involves understanding the distinct advantages each option offers and aligning them with your personal situation. By considering your relationship dynamics, financial complexities, and desired outcomes, you can make an informed decision that minimizes stress for all parties involved.

For personalized guidance and to discuss your options further, Contact Us for a complimentary consultation. Let us help you move forward with confidence and ensure that your interests are fully protected.

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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Medical Malpractice Claims

medical malpractice lawyers

When faced with a medical malpractice claim, the typical image that comes to mind involves a courtroom battle, a judge, and a highly charged atmosphere. However, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) offers a different path that can be less confrontational and often more conducive to a mutually satisfactory outcome. ADR encompasses methods such as mediation and arbitration, which can be advantageous for both plaintiffs and defendants.

Understanding Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR is a collective term for processes that help parties resolve disputes without litigation. Popular forms of ADR include:

     Mediation: An impartial mediator assists the parties in reaching a voluntary, negotiated resolution. The mediator does not decide the case, but helps facilitate a dialogue to uncover potential solutions.

     Arbitration: An arbitrator listens to the arguments from both sides and then makes a binding decision. Unlike mediation, this provides a conclusive outcome, but is less formal than a court trial.

Both approaches share common benefits which make them attractive in the context of medical malpractice disputes, including:

     Cost Efficiency: ADR can be significantly cheaper than court litigation due to shorter timelines and reduced procedural burdens.

     Time Savings: Resolutions can be achieved much faster with ADR, sometimes within a few months.

     Privacy: Unlike court cases, which are public, ADR proceedings are confidential.

     Preservation of Relationships: ADR can be less adversarial, helping maintain professional relationships between medical practitioners and their patients.

Why Consider ADR for Medical Malpractice Claims?

Choosing ADR for medical malpractice law firm disputes can be particularly prudent due to the complex nature of medical malpractice cases. These cases often involve highly technical evidence and personal matters, which can be handled sensitively through ADR. Some reasons to consider ADR include:

    Expertise: Arbitrators or mediators with specific expertise in healthcare can be chosen to ensure that complex medical issues are understood and evaluated fairly.

     Control: ADR provides more control over the outcome. In mediation, both parties have a say in forming the agreement, which can lead to creative solutions that are not available in court.

     Finality: Arbitration decisions are typically final and subject to limited appeal, which can avoid a prolonged dispute.

Choosing the Right ADR Approach

The decision on whether to use mediation or arbitration rests on several factors, including the specifics of the medical malpractice claim, the parties' willingness to negotiate, and their need for a speedy resolution. Considerations include:

     Nature of the Dispute: Is the dispute highly technical, and does it require specific medical knowledge? If so, arbitration with a specialist might be preferable.

     Desired Outcome: Do the parties seek a collaborative resolution that could pave the way for future interactions? Mediation might be more suitable.

     Legal Advice: Consulting with experienced medical malpractice lawyers in Delaware County PA or medical malpractice lawyers in Chester County PA can provide guidance tailored to the specific circumstances of the case.

Key Steps in Initiating ADR

Initiating ADR involves several steps that should be handled with care:

     Selection of the Mediator/Arbitrator: It is crucial to choose professionals with the right expertise¾particularly in medical malpractice¾to increase the likelihood of a satisfactory outcome.

     Preparation: Parties need to gather all necessary documentation and evidence related to the medical claim. This includes medical records, expert reports, and any other relevant material.

     Representation: Even in ADR, the advice and guidance of a personal injury lawyer can be invaluable. Lawyers can navigate through the legal and procedural nuances, even in a less formal setting.

ADR: A Viable Option for Many

Alternative Dispute Resolution offers a path to resolving medical malpractice disputes that can be less adversarial, quicker, and more cost-effective than traditional court litigation. With the right preparation and expert help, parties can achieve fair, equitable resolutions that satisfy all involved. For individuals embroiled in such disputes, exploring ADR could prove to be a highly beneficial decision.

Contact Us for a complimentary consultation.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Slip and Fall Liability in Parking Lot Accidents

criminal defense attorney

When you experience a slip and fall accident in a parking lot, understanding your legal rights is crucial. Parking lots can be hazardous due to various factors like poor maintenance, inadequate lighting, or weather conditions leading to slippery surfaces. Here, we explore how to determine liability and take the necessary steps towards securing compensation.

Identifying the Cause and Determining Liability

The first step in addressing a slip and fall accident is identifying the cause. Common causes include:

     Wet or icy surfaces

     Uneven pavement


     Debris or obstructive objects

Property owners are responsible for maintaining safe conditions in parking lots. If an owner neglects this duty, they may be liable for accidents. Documenting the scene and your injuries immediately after the incident is crucial.

Seeking Trusted Legal Assistance

For navigating the complexities of slip and fall claims, enlisting the support of the best accident attorneys is advisable. A skilled personal injury law firm can offer guidance, ensuring that you understand your rights and the potential for compensation.

Steps to Take Following a Slip and Fall Accident

     Document Everything: Take pictures of the hazard and your injuries.

     Report the Accident: Inform the property owner or manager about the incident.

     Seek Medical Attention: Even if injuries seem minor, a medical evaluation is essential.

     Contact a Lawyer: Consulting with a car accident lawyer can also be beneficial, especially if the incident involved vehicle-related hazards.

Understanding Compensation

Compensation in slip and fall cases may cover:

     Medical expenses

     Lost wages

     Pain and suffering

     Rehabilitation costs

An experienced lawyer can help you navigate the claim process, from negotiation to litigation if necessary.

Preventing Future Incidents

Property owners can prevent slip and fall accidents by:

     Regularly inspecting the property

     Promptly addressing hazardous conditions

     Providing adequate lighting

     Posting warning signs when necessary

As individuals, remaining vigilant and reporting potential hazards can also contribute to safer parking lots for everyone.

Why Experienced Legal Representation Matters

Slip and fall accidents can have significant consequences on your health and financial well-being. Engaging with a reputable law firm specializing in such cases ensures that your rights are protected. Whether you need a criminal defense attorney or advice on causes of slip and fall injuries, the right legal team is crucial for achieving a favorable outcome.

Empowering Your Path to Recovery

In conclusion, while parking lot accidents can be distressing, knowing how to proceed can greatly impact your ability to secure just compensation. By understanding slip and fall liability, seeking immediate medical attention, and partnering with skilled legal professionals, you can navigate this challenging time more effectively.

Your safety and legal rights are paramount. Should you find yourself a victim of a slip and fall accident, remember that you are not alone. Experienced attorneys are ready to support you every step of the way, ensuring that you receive the compensation and justice you deserve. Take the first step towards your recovery by reaching-out to a trusted personal injury law firm today.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Most Common Types of Car Accidents & How to Prevent Them

top accident attorneys

Car accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Understanding the most common types of car accidents and how to prevent them is crucial for ensuring your safety and the safety of others on the road. Whether you are seeking advice after an accident or looking to prevent one, knowing when to consult a car wreck attorney, a DUI defense attorney, or a personal injury lawyer can make a significant difference in the aftermath of an incident. Here, we delve into the most common accident types and injuries, and offer guidance on prevention.

Rear-End Collisions

What They Are: This is the term used when one vehicle strikes the back of another. These can happen when vehicles follow too closely to the back of the car in front of them.

Prevention Tips:

     Maintain a safe distance from the car ahead.

     Stay alert to traffic changes.

     Ensure your brake lights are always functioning properly.

Side-Impact Collisions

What They Are: Also known as T-bone accidents, these happen when the side of one vehicle is hit by the front or rear of another vehicle. Common at intersections, these crashes can be severe.

Prevention Tips:

     Always yield to traffic signals and signs.

     Look both ways before entering an intersection, even if you have the right of way.

     Drive defensively, especially in areas with heavy traffic.

Single Vehicle Accidents

What They Are: These involve only one vehicle that crashes into an object, rolls over, or runs off the road. Causes include driver distraction, intoxication, and poor weather conditions.

Prevention Tips:

     Never drive under the influence. If you are facing charges, a DUI defense attorney can help.

     Pay attention to the road and avoid distractions.

     Adjust your speed according to weather conditions.

Multi-Vehicle Pile-Ups

What They Are: These accidents involve three or more vehicles in a chain of collisions. They are most common on busy highways and can result in significant injuries and damage.

Prevention Tips:

     Keep a safe distance from other vehicles.

     Be cautious in bad weather or low-visibility conditions.

     Always signal your intentions to other drivers.

Head-On Collisions

What They Are: These occur when the fronts of two vehicles hit each other. Often fatal, head-on collisions are among the most dangerous types of accidents.

Prevention Tips:

     Stay alert and avoid driving when tired.

     Keep to your lane and be aware of oncoming traffic.

     Slow down in areas with limited visibility.

How to Respond After an Accident

If you find yourself involved in an accident, it is important to seek medical attention for any injuries and to contact law enforcement. Documenting the scene and exchanging information with other parties involved is also crucial. For legal support and to ensure your rights are protected, consider reaching-out to one of the top accident attorneys in Delaware County, Chester County, or Lancaster County.

Ensuring Your Road Safety

Preventing car accidents is not solely about adhering to traffic rules; it is about cultivating safe driving habits and being prepared for the unexpected. Regular vehicle maintenance, continuous vigilance, and the readiness to consult legal professionals like a car wreck attorney or a personal injury lawyer when necessary can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and their impact on your life.

Understanding the common types of car accidents and their prevention is the first step toward safer roads. By taking proactive measures and seeking appropriate legal counsel when needed, we can all contribute to a safer driving environment for ourselves and our communities.

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The Impact of a Criminal Record on Your Future and How to Mitigate It

  A criminal record can significantly alter the course of your life, affecting everything from employment opportunities to housing options. ...