Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.

Perna and Abracht is a full service law firm helping clients in the areas of Business law, Family law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Estate Planning and Administration, Workman's Compensation and Real Estate.


Monday, June 12, 2023

Estate Planning for Blended Families: Navigating Complexities and Ensuring Fair Distribution

family estate planning attorney

Starting the journey of marriage, or remarrying after a divorce, is a complex endeavor filled with emotions - love, happiness, occasional frustration, and the need for compromise. It's the start of a new life together with your spouse.

Unfortunately, in cases where couples bring children from previous relationships into the union, the potential for conflicting objectives and priorities often paves the way for future marital challenges. Properly making arrangements with estate planning and securing the future of your children from both sides becomes complex and challenging.

Experienced family estate planning attorney from Perna & Abracht LLC specializes in helping families protect and manage their assets for future generations and offers guidance for dealing with the complexities of administering an estate.

Effective estate planning safeguards assets for remarried couples and their children. Failing to do so can risk lost inheritances, asset disputes with former spouses, and childcare issues. Updating insurance policies is crucial to ensure the right beneficiaries benefit the blended family. Likewise, revising investment account beneficiaries on retirement funds is essential to prevent unintended payouts to former spouses.

Before the Wedding

Prenuptial Agreements - Before saying “I do,” remember you are not just starting a love relationship but also a contract where you have certain commitments that need to be fulfilled. In the case of a child's existence. A prenuptial agreement becomes a must. In case of a dispute, this agreement can protect your own biological child’s interests should you die or get divorced.

Irrevocable Trusts - This could be an excellent option to hold your assets for your children from divorces and creditors. Forming and funding this trust before your wedding is a great strategy to keep these assets from becoming entangled in your future marriage.

If You Do Nothing

Intestacy or not creating a will, trust, or anything as such, after death, the assets will be passed under the state plan. Also, without a Will, there are no protective trusts. Further, your spouse or your children may receive more than you intend. A Will allows you to craft a meticulous plan that reflects your true wishes.

After the Wedding

Remarried couples should also consider keeping their assets separate. Even though they may share general expenses like mortgages and car payments, their hard-earned money could be at risk should a former spouse make a claim. In addition, debts incurred from the first marriage could come into play and could become a headache even if the client had no part in it. Any separate property brought into a second marriage by each spouse could also be at risk. Having paperwork such as ownership documents, registrations, and titles in order is also recommended.

Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney: Prevent conflicts between your spouse and children by clearly specifying who holds the authority to make medical decisions for you in case of incapacity. Your Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney not only dictate who can visit you during illness but also designate your healthcare provider; choose someone capable of navigating your family dynamics.

Wills And Contracts: The spouses can bind each other through a contract to follow and honor the will put in place. Such as, the first spouse has a right to live in the family home, which then passes to the second spouse’s children. Pennsylvania wills lawyers assist individuals in drafting and managing their wills the way the client wants to ensure their wishes are legally documented and carried out effectively.

If you have any questions about Estate Planning for Blended Families or any other estate planning topics, please contact our office to schedule a free consultation with our experienced estate planning lawyers. We’ve seen it all, and this experience allows us to explain complex estate planning techniques clearly and concisely. We make it easy for you to understand estate planning so you can make the best decisions for yourself and your family.

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Thursday, June 8, 2023

Building a Strong Defense Strategies for Defending Against Criminal Charges

 criminal defense attorney

If you have been charged with a crime, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. Although facing criminal charges is stressful, it is important to remember that under the law, you are presumed innocent unless proven guilty. The best thing you can do to protect your rights is to seek the counsel of a criminal defense attorney who can help you develop a strong defense.

Important Elements of Criminal Defense

In many cases, there are multiple elements that go into creating a solid defense strategy. Good criminal lawyers explain to their clients which components they may consider using and why. Some of the most critical elements of building a strong defense strategy include:

Evidence. Your criminal defense lawyer can use evidence to help prove your innocence, point to a lack of evidence against you, and/or obtain additional evidence to build your defense such as defense witness testimony.

Sufficient time to prepare. Gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, preparing you for court, and developing effective defense strategies take time. If you have been charged with a crime, it is essential to find a good criminal lawyer as soon as possible so they have plenty of time to help you build a solid defense.

Being honest with your lawyer. It is important to be candid with your attorney. Withholding facts or evidence or lying can lead to unwanted surprises in the courtroom. Your lawyer will help you understand the charges that have been brought against you and explain your legal options. Do not talk about your case with anyone but your attorney, and never post about your charges on the internet or social media. Remember that anything you say to anyone except your defense attorney may be used against you later.

Common Defense Strategies

Which strategies your lawyer uses will depend on the specific circumstances and the nature of the charges. However, there are a few defense strategies that attorneys often utilize, including:

Reasonable Doubt

One of the most common and effective criminal defense strategies is to create reasonable doubt. In the U.S., a prosecutor must prove a defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to get a conviction. A criminal defense lawyer looks for weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and the evidence presented. There are different ways to successfully create reasonable doubt, including by poking holes in the prosecution’s theory of the alleged crime and questioning the credibility of witnesses and whether their testimony is logical.


A solid alibi can go a long way when it comes to proving someone’s innocence. Since a person cannot be in two places at once, evidence that they were somewhere else when a crime occurred can be quite compelling. Some ways to corroborate or support an alibi are testimony by credible witnesses, GPS data, video footage, and photographs.

Other Defenses

Some other issues that can play a part in building a strong defense include:

        Mistaken identity

        Lack of probable cause

        Chain of evidence problems

        Illegal search and seizure

        False confessions

        Self-defense or defense of others

Each case is unique. If you are facing charges, our criminal lawyers will use all the tools at our disposal to build a solid defense tailored to the specifics of your case.

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Monday, June 5, 2023

Types of Alimony in Pennsylvania

spousal support attorney

Alimony, also known as spousal support, is not an automatic entitlement in divorce proceedings. Instead, it serves as a means to rectify financial imbalances arising from the divorce. When one spouse experiences a financial setback following divorce, and the other possesses the financial capacity to provide assistance, the court may grant alimony to the financially disadvantaged ex-spouse, often requiring the expertise of a divorce lawyer. Typically, spousal support is of a temporary nature, designed to act as a financial bridge. Its purpose is to afford the recipient spouse an opportunity to achieve a more stable financial standing through additional education, vocational training, or work experience.

Questions You Need To Ask When Hiring a Divorce attorney

Types of Alimony in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, there are formally two categories of alimony recognized by the law: pendente lite (pre-divorce) and post-divorce alimony. Nevertheless, two additional forms of financial support between spouses - spousal support and equitable reimbursement - are frequently colloquially referred to as alimony.

Pendente Lite Alimony

Pendente lite alimony, often referred to as temporary alimony, is the financial support one spouse may be required to provide to the other during the divorce proceedings. It's intended to help the lower-earning spouse maintain financial stability throughout the divorce process until a final alimony arrangement is determined. Once the divorce is finalized, this type of alimony typically transitions into a different form of support or ceases altogether.

Post-Divorce Alimony

Post-divorce alimony, also known as permanent alimony or spousal support, is financial assistance one spouse may be required to provide to the other after the divorce is finalized. Its purpose is to help the lower-earning spouse maintain a certain standard of living or financial stability following the end of the marriage. The duration and amount of post-divorce alimony are determined by the court based on various factors, and it typically continues until specified conditions are met, such as the recipient spouse's remarriage or cohabitation.

Spousal Support

In Pennsylvania, when one spouse financially supports the other's education or training during the marriage but divorce occurs before the benefit is realized, equitable reimbursement, not alimony, may be awarded by a judge. It compensates the supporting spouse for their investment in the other's education. The judge assesses whether the supporting spouse benefited from the increased earning capacity and may order periodic payments if deemed fair. If you find yourself in such a situation, consulting with an experienced spousal support attorney can provide essential guidance.

Equitable Reimbursement

In Pennsylvania, when one spouse financially supports the other's education or training during the marriage but divorce occurs before the benefit is realized, equitable reimbursement may be awarded by a judge. It's not alimony; instead, it compensates the supporting spouse for their investment in the other's education. The judge assesses whether the supporting spouse benefited from the increased earning capacity and may order periodic payments if deemed fair.

How Alimony is Different from Child Support

Distinguishing between alimony and child support is vital:

Recipients: Alimony aids the lower-earning spouse, while child support benefits children through the custodial parent.

Purpose: Alimony addresses spousal financial disparities; child support ensures children's well-being.

Duration: Alimony varies, but child support typically lasts until children reach adulthood or financial independence.

Taxes: Alimony tax laws have changed; seek professional advice. Child support has no tax implications.

In the event of complications contact us for the best child support lawyer.

How Child Custody Affects Alimony

Child custody arrangements can significantly influence alimony payments during divorce or separation. The financial responsibilities tied to caring for children may lead to adjustments in alimony amounts. When a mother has primary custody but possesses a lower net income, she will receive both alimony and child support. However, if the mother maintains primary custody and has a higher net income, the dynamic shifts, with her paying alimony to the father while also receiving child support from him. Good child custody lawyers will advise you on the intricacies so you can make informed decisions.

Modifying an Alimony Agreement in Pennsylvania

Courts typically grant alimony modifications in situations that are either long-term or permanent. While either party can request changes to a court-ordered alimony agreement, they must demonstrate significant changes in specific circumstances. For instance, if the spouse receiving alimony cohabitates or remarries, the paying spouse can seek termination of alimony payments. Conversely, the paying spouse may request a modification if their financial situation substantially changes due to job loss or illness.

Additionally, if the contributing spouse experiences a significant increase in income, the alimony recipient may seek a modification to raise the support payments. If you're contemplating a modification for any of these reasons, consulting with your alimony lawyer is essential to explore available options.

Divorce and separation matters can often be emotionally charged, particularly when spousal support or alimony becomes a point of contention. At Perna & Abracht, LLC, our team of family law attorneys specializes in offering skilled legal counsel to navigate these issues. Whether through effective negotiation or litigation, our alimony lawyers are committed to safeguarding our clients' best interests, including those of their children. We're here to provide clarity on the factors influencing spousal support and alimony decisions, as well as to explore all available options tailored to your unique situation.

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Friday, May 26, 2023

How to Help Someone Who is a Victim of Domestic Violence

domestic violence lawyer

According to National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCAD), 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will be victims of serious physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. If you suspect or know someone is being abused, you may be unsure about how to help. Letting the person know you care can help them feel less alone and afraid. A domestic violence lawyer offers advice on some other steps you can take to help.

Listen Without Judgment

Many victims feel ashamed or embarrassed about revealing that they are being abused. Listen without judgment and allow your loved one to talk about what is happening without offering advice. Let them know that you believe them, that they are not alone, and that they do not deserve to be abused. Also, make it clear you are willing to help if they want you to. Just knowing that another person is listening can empower a domestic violence victim to take action.

Help Them Find Resources

You can help an abused victim find support and resources by giving them phone numbers and websites for local support groups, shelters, counselors, social services, and domestic abuse lawyers. It is also helpful to obtain information about domestic violence and child custody laws, and about how to get a Protection from Abuse order (PFA). Calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 can help you find local resources for a loved one.

Help Them Create a Safety Plan

Domestic violence victims who leave their abusive partners are at a greater risk of being killed than those who stay. It is critical to help them put a safety plan in place should a crisis occur or they decide to leave. Discuss each element of the safety plan, and discuss ways to reduce the risks in specific situations. A domestic violence safety plan should include the following:

  1.    A safe place to go if there is an emergency or if they leave their abuser
  2.   A list of emergency contacts, which may include the numbers for the domestic violence hotline, trusted friends and family members, and local shelters and social services
  3. A code word to alert friends and family that help is needed
  4. An "escape bag", which should include cash, important documents such as birth certificates and social security cards, copies of house and car keys, clothes, and toiletries. If the victim has children, they may want to include a favorite toy as well.
  5. Most domestic violence victims do not want to leave their pets behind. Making arrangements for a trusted person to care for their pets if needed can help assuage some of their fears.

When to Call the Police

If you hear or see someone being abused, call 911. Although an abused person may not want to get the police involved, it is the most effective way to keep the victim and their children from being harmed. Children should never have to stay in a violent situation. Even if it goes against the wishes of the victim or the abuser, do whatever it takes to ensure the children’s safety, including calling the police and child protective services.

Whether you are a victim of abuse, want to help someone you care about, or need a domestic violence defense lawyer because you have been wrongly accused, our dedicated and compassionate legal team is here for you.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Possible Defenses for Sexual Assault: A Sex Crimes Attorney Explains

sexual assault lawyer

If you have been accused of a sex crime, you may feel hopeless and unsure of where to turn. An experienced sexual assault lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights. Your attorney can also investigate the facts of your case and work with you to develop the best possible defense strategies. Although each circumstance is unique, there are several defenses that may be used in sex crime cases.


The most common defense in many criminal cases is the accused maintaining their innocence.  However, even if you are innocent, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be exonerated. Although as a defendant in a criminal case you are not required to prove anything, convincing a judge or jury of your innocence can be challenging in a sexual assault case. Some important elements that can strengthen your defense include:

     A strong alibi that can be corroborated

     Evidence that shows the allegations are false, such as text messages or witness testimony

     Physical evidence

These are just a few elements that may strengthen your case. Your sex crimes attorney will talk with you about any and all specific evidence that may prove your innocence in your case.


Unfortunately, sexual assault allegations often happen after an encounter that the accused believed was consensual. In some cases, the alleged victim may have given consent for a sexual activity at the outset, but later claim that he/she revoked it. In this type of situation, your defense attorney can help you challenge these false accusations.

Demonstrating an Accuser’s Motivation for Making a False Claim

If your sexual abuse lawyer can present evidence that your accuser made false accusations and has motive to seek revenge against you for something unrelated, this can be a compelling defense. In some cases, an accuser may have made claims against others that were proven to be unsubstantiated. When combined with other evidence, this defense can be effective at establishing reasonable doubt.

Regardless of which type of sex crime charges you face, having a knowledgeable defense attorney by your side is critical. Our sexual assault lawyers are experienced professionals who provide exceptional legal counsel without judgment. We believe everyone deserves the best defense possible and work to achieve positive outcomes for all our clients. Contact us to learn more or schedule a consultation today.

Friday, May 12, 2023

What Happens When You’re Injured as a Passenger in a Motor Vehicle Accident?

car accident lawyer

Being hurt in a motor vehicle accident can leave you overwhelmed and wondering how you will pay for your medical bills and other expenses. If you’re injured as a passenger, It can be challenging to figure out who may be responsible for damages. A car accident lawyer can evaluate your case, determine who may be at fault, and identify all possible sources of compensation. Who may be liable will depend on the specific situation.

Options for Filing a Car Accident Claim as an Injured Passenger

File a Claim with the Other Driver’s Insurance Company

If another motorist caused an accident, and you were injured, you can file a claim against his/her insurer. However, if multiple people were injured, and the at-fault driver has low insurance policy limits, the amount of compensation you receive may not be enough to cover all types of damages. When multiple vehicles are involved in an accident, things can get even more complicated. Hiring an accident attorney can help take the weight off of your shoulders and significantly increase your chances of recovering the full amount of compensation you need and deserve.

File a Claim With Your Driver’s Insurer

You may also be able to have your medical bills and some other accident-related expenses covered by the insurer of the person who was driving the car you were in, regardless of who was at fault. In Pennsylvania, drivers are required to have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage included in their vehicle insurance policy. Again, depending on the driver’s insurance policy limits, PIP may or may not be enough to cover all of your medical bills and wage loss.

If the driver of the car you were riding in as a passenger is at fault, you may be able to recover both economic and non-economic damages such as pain and suffering from the liability coverage on the driver’s policy. People are often hesitant to file a claim with a friend’s or family member’s insurance company. However, you are not trying to get money from them personally, but rather are seeking compensation from their insurer. Once you file a claim, it will be between you and the insurer, and your loved one will likely not be involved. If you hire a personal injury lawyer, they will handle all communications and negotiations with insurers.

File a Claim with Your Own Auto Insurance Company

If you have your own car insurance policy with PIP, MedPay, or uninsured /underinsured motorist coverage, you can use it to pay your medical bills and damages even though you weren’t driving. You may also be able to use your health insurance to cover medical costs. However, some insurers may require you to exhaust auto insurance claims first.

Dealing with multiple insurers can be frustrating and time-consuming. Our Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers provide free case evaluations and give you a straightforward assessment of your claim.  If your claim proceeds, we handle all aspects of your case, act as your strong advocates, and fight to help you recover the full and fair amount of compensation you need to protect your health and financial security.

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Friday, May 5, 2023

What to Do if You’re a Father Who Wants to Gain Custody of His Children

best child custody lawyer

Fathers have just as much a right to obtain custody of their children as mothers do. However, many fathers face challenges when trying to gain full or partial custody of their children. Finding the best child custody lawyer and taking steps to show you are capable of caring for your children can help strengthen your arguments for gaining custody. These tips provide guidance about what to do if you are seeking custody of your children.

Stay Current with Child Support Payments

Although child support does not affect your right to obtain custody of your children, a judge may interpret failing to keep up with payments as a lack of interest in caring for your child. If you have been ordered to pay support, make sure to do so on time. If you and your co-parent have an informal child support arrangement, keep records and proof of payment.

Cultivate a Strong Relationship with Your Child

Regardless of your child’s age or how much parenting time you currently have, it is critical to build and maintain a solid relationship with your child. Communicating regularly, whether by phone, text, videoconference, or in person, shows your child you care about them and keeps you up-to-date on what’s going on in their life. Don’t forget to make time for fun activities and provide emotional support when they need it.  If you have family or close friends in the area, help your child cultivate their relationships with your loved ones as well.

Stay Involved and Attend Important Events

Showing a commitment to supporting the social, educational, and religious aspects of your child’s life can help you make a case for custody.  Parent-teacher meetings, doctor’s appointments, sporting events, school plays, playdates, and birthdays are just a few examples of important activities that can help strengthen your bond with your child and show you are involved in their life.

Keep Records

To demonstrate your involvement in your child’s life, it is a good idea to maintain records of the time you spend with them. Keep a calendar of your visitation schedule and parenting time, your parenting plan, and vacations. You should also document any events or meetings you attend that involve your child. Good child custody lawyers will advise you on exactly what to document and the best way to keep records of your involvement with your child.

Prepare a Space in Your Home for Your Child

All children need their own space where they can spend time relaxing and playing. The court will want to know about how your home is set-up and whether your child has a room of their own. Even if you live in a small apartment, creating a small space for your child to enjoy is essential.

Create a Plan for Your Child’s Needs

Staying on top of all aspects of your child’s care shows that you are dedicated to providing for them to the best of your ability. Write down your plans for their education, child care, after-school activities, and health care. Having a plan for continuing emotional and financial support shows a judge that you are willing to do whatever it takes to give your child a stable and happy life.

Be Respectful

Custody battles are often fraught with emotion and can be very contentious. However, it is vital to show respect to your co-parent and the court. Do not badmouth your co-parent in front of your children or in court proceedings. Judges definitely take your attitude into account when determining custody arrangements, so stay positive and polite.

If you and your co-parent cannot communicate in a civil manner, have your family law attorney handle communications during negotiations and proceedings. It is also important to remember that you and your co-parent share a lifelong commitment to your child, so it is best to make the effort to get along.

If you are a father who is interested in gaining custody of your children, our child custody lawyers offer a free consultation and are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Wills 101: Navigating the Essentials, Common Myths, and Key Benefits

When it comes to safeguarding your future and ensuring that your estate is handled according to your wishes, understanding the legal landsca...